Social media marketing plan

You will prepare a social media marketing plan for an AAC Company that is working on introducing a healthy drink called Blendo to college students.

In the Executive Summary, you need to address these areas:

  • Product introduction (Blendo healthy drink)
  • Vision statement
  • Value proposition
  • Positioning statement

Marketing Situation:

The background information you gathered to prepare your marketing plan. In this section, it is essential to gather the right details for a successful plan or campaign. The following areas need to be covered:

  • Industry analysis (description of the industry – healthy beverages )
  • Identify your customers – ideal clients.
  • What is their demographic profile?
  • What are their values, interest, choices?
  • How do they like to do business (online, face to face, etc.)?
  • Where are they located?
  • Why would this person buy your product or service?

Competitive analysis (your competition):

  • Where are they located?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • What are their target markets?
  • What are the unique selling points?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Analyze your business:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Define your difference: USP – what is your unique selling point?
  • What is your elevator pitch?
  • What is your customer journey? (AIDA analysis)
  • Buyer Persona (who should be targeted in your plan

Social Media Strategy:

In this section, you need to outline your action plan. This is your strategic vision.

  • Marketing budget
  • Marketing team
  • Pricing strategy
  • Public Relations strategy
  • Social media strategy
  • Advertising strategy
  • Content Strategy Creation
  • After-sale strategy
  • Monitoring and measuring strategy


  • What would a successful campaign look like for your product?