Nursing – Healthcare Ethics

Use Australian references where possible, from within the last 5 years.

Develop an ethical argument/s based around the four bio-ethical principles: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Use your chosen topic to develop a sound ethical argument.

Select one of these topics and construct a written essay. You are encouraged to choose a topic that you feel is important to you and that you feel passionate about.

In relation to your selected topic:

Consider the application of the bioethical principles that have been discussed in the unit.

Consider the application of ethical theories and other ethical concepts to the chosen topic.

Based on the evidence, construct a written discussion that clearly presents these ethical considerations and the ethical dilemma/s. You need to discuss both sides of the argument/s.

Based on the evidence determine and then specify your ethical stance.

Present your work in a formal academic essay using APA referencing that includes an introduction, discussion, and conclusion.

Topics (select one topic only)

  1. People engaging in lifestyle behaviours detrimental to health should not be eligible for intensive care services.
  2. Sex selection should be a parental right.
  3. Childhood immunisation should be mandatory in Australia.
  4. Do not resuscitate orders should be instituted for all patients who have terminal conditions