Health Communication Discussion Post #3

Discussion Post #3: Uses and Gratification Theory

The following information is an easy read and provides a platform for thinking about how individuals/patients/populations access and use online media/channels to access health-related information while exploring the impact on decision-making approaches.

Read through the information provided and proceed with composing YOUR thoughts for the Discussion Post. Additional research is NOT required!

  • Brief Overview of the Uses and Gratification Theory

Understanding how people acquire and utilize health-related information has long been recognized as important in health communication. As health professionals, it is important to explore and understand why and how people utilize digital health information. The understanding of the practices better equips health professionals with strategies or approaches in communicating and leverages ways that promote health and wellness. Since online health information rapidly supports immediate access to information, whether evidence-based or opinion-based, individuals access social media to obtain information impacting their health-related decisions.

The Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) suggests that “audience” members actively pursue specific or selective media to satisfy their own needs. Based on your reading, UGT focuses on the “why” and “how” media and channels are used to achieve their own goals (e.g. for information, entertainment, consensus building). The process for health communication perceives the media user (individual) as an active participant that chooses content and makes informed media choices for exposure to information impacting their decisions/actions. It is common for media users (individuals) to avoid or negate media that is not aligned with their values, attitudes, beliefs, or financial investment decisions.

Think About/Ask Yourself:
Note: You are NOT answering these questions in your discussion post. The questions are presented to encourage health industry professionals to think about their current practices or individual practices associated with accessing health-related information online/media/social media.

*How can the use of media/online information support an individual’s/patient’s inquiry about health-related issues or concerns?
*From a professional perspective, do you encourage individuals/patients to use media/online sources to obtain health-related information and support?
*From a professional perspective, do you encourage individuals/patients to use media/online sources to provide various levels of support in exploring and understanding actions/behaviors needed to achieve their health goals (improved health and well-being)?

The use of social media applications for health-related support purposes can result in a variety of benefits or gratifications that can be categorized under descriptions such as, not limited to, informational support, emotional support, belonging support, and active support.

Keep in mind the following:
Informational support: Informational support addresses shared experiences among others. The sharing of experiences may assist in reducing fears and boosting confidence as they address the challenges associated with their health issues or concerns.
Emotional support: The impacts of emotional supported included in the media/online connection address areas such as hope and reassurance, increased control in managing the concerns and overall situation and the opportunity in gaining a different perspective.
Belonging support: Belonging support reduces feelings of isolation and produces a sense of belonging even though the connecting is merely online through media usage.
Active support: Active support is referred to as the support received when helping others and validates personal meaning in one’s own experience.


Discussion Post Questions:

Note: You ARE answering these questions in your discussion post.

Section 1:
Media Influence (Category #1)
Question(s) #1: Does media directly influence individuals/populations? What form of online/media formats do you think are most effective in positively impacting actions/behaviors/and decisions to improve overall health and well-being? For example: Is the online/media in the form of social media messages and/or is it evidence-based content that most deeply influences individuals/populations? Why? (Think about your experiences)


Social Support & Awareness (Category #2)
Question(s) #2: How do individuals/patients use social media for social support purposes linked to a specific health issue or concern? How does accessing information raise awareness of resources and/or services aligned with their health-related issues? (Provide an example and include the site of reference – Examples: an organization focused on lowering high blood pressure; combating drug-use; reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Identify an area of interest, listed or not listed in the examples. This is STUDENT’s Choice!


Personal/Professional Media Practices (Category #3)
Question(s) #3: Think about how YOUR current social media/channels influence your values, attitudes, beliefs, and financial investment decisions. How many social media sites are you engaged in and actively participate regularly in? Does one site take precedence/priority over the others? Why?