Graduate-Level Skills and Using Research to Expand Your Reach

Support your writing with evidence-based research.

For this Discussion, you revisit your Week 1 Discussion to integrate research on the topic. You then consider your database search process and how the research you found informs your writing and your practice.


Post a revision of your Week 1 Discussion post that integrates at least one paraphrase with an APA citation from one peer-reviewed article from the last 5 years in the Walden Library.

Additionally, address the following prompts:

  • What was your process for searching for scholarly articles? (For example: What keywords did you use, and what database did you access? Did you use the advanced search features such as Boolean operators?)
  • What challenges did you experience, if any?
  • How does this new learning complicate, enrich, or support your original discussion?
  • How does this new information contribute to your ability to be a stronger advanced human services professional practitioner?