Nursing Service Plan-This is BSN class for RN Leadership role

To be competent in each section, they broke it down. see below. The length has to include all below. I am not sure how many pages it will take to do this:

A1: The submission describes an appropriate nursing service that would affect an area of patient health need, logically describes the purpose of the service line, and describes the effective leadership skills and approaches needed to implement the plan using a diverse staffing model.

A2: The explanation of the importance of the nursing service line identifies an appropriate population to be served, logically addresses the relevance and importance of the service line, and includes how it is supported by current needs and expectations in the healthcare industry and the population served.

B The market analysis logically addresses the target population, potential referral bases, and potential competitors for the planned nursing service line.

C. The SWOT analysis accurately and logically analyzes all of the given points, including 4 factors for each point.

D, The cost-benefit analysis identifies 3 logical benefits and 3 logical costs for the organization and 5 logical benefits and 5 logical costs for the day-to-day operations.

E. The risk assessment describes 5 logical risks that could adversely affect the success of the nursing service line. The risk assessment identifies the possible results of the risks and logically describes an appropriate strategy for each risk identified to minimize that risk.

F. The financial projection summary discusses accurate revenue projections for the first year of operation and explains appropriate and effective methods for generating revenue for the nursing service line.

  • F1 The graph shows a logical prediction of how the nursing service line will grow in the first year, and the information graphed is accurate for and relevant to the nursing service line.
  • F2 The submission logically identifies appropriate financial payers for the nursing service line.

G The first-year operational expense budget describes 3 logical and accurate personnel expenses and 5 logical and accurate OTP expenses for the nursing service line. The operational expense budget provides a reasonable estimated cost in dollars for the expenses.

G1 The pie chart accurately identifies and reflects the proportional expenses for the personnel and OTP categories.

H1 The submission accurately describes the structure, process, and outcome KPIs that can be used to measure the success of the nursing service line.

H2 The submission logically describes how each KPI from part H1 will be measured and includes a logical time frame for how often each KPI will be measured.

H3 The submission logically discusses how each of the KPIs from part H1 could be used to guide future decision-making for the nursing service line in meeting organizational performance indicators.

H4 The submission logically describes 1 system-level strategy necessary to support staff improvement and to improve interprofessional teams.

I. The tasks and timelines for the nursing service line includes 10 appropriate start-up tasks, the title of an appropriate individual responsible for completing each task, the frequency of task status meetings and a logical timeline for each task.

J. The executive summary of the nursing service line includes accurate and concise summaries of the service plan elements (the service idea, the market analysis, the SWOT analysis, the cost-benefit analysis, and risk assessment) and is appropriate for presentation to a leadership audience.

K. The reference page is provided at the end of the report and includes at least 5 academically appropriate references that are relevant to completing the task.

L. The submission demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.

M. Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.