Routine Messages Letter or A Direct Request and Direct Reply Message

Good news and neutral message letter include:

Write letters that request information or action.

Write letters that make direct claims.

Write letters that reply directly.

Write letters that make adjustments.

Write special messages that convey kindness and goodwill.

Your good news and neutral message letter will be evaluated as follows.

  1. Frontload in the Opening

Does the writer use the direct strategy for positive, everyday messages?

Does the writer frontload the main idea or purpose immediately so the reader can anticipate and comprehend what follows?

Does the writer use simple request and open immediately with a statement of purpose?

  1. Explain in the Body

Does the writer present details that explain your request or response?

Does the writer use graphic devices to highlight the details?

Does the writer develop each idea in a separate paragraph with effective transitions?

  1. Be Specific and Courteous in the Closing

Does the writer convey in the closing courteously and specifies what action(s) the receiver needs to do?