PEER RESPONSE – PSY 604 – Module 3 Discussion: Understanding One-Way ANOVAs


Bobbie, great work on this! I think you understand the different one-way ANOVAs, great work! One thing with your research question for the independent one-way ANOVA, we cannot tell impact, just that there is a difference, so how might you just reword your question? What are the scales of measurement for your variables? I love how you phrased your hypotheses because we are really only looking for at least one significant difference, and since we have more than two categories we are testing, we not all variables will be different from the other!

Great work with that!

For your ANOVA article, what groups were you comparing?


CLASSMATE #1: Fontalvo, Laura (150 word min + ONE academic source)

Part 2. Article: Examining the Use Self-perceived by University Teachers about ICT Resources: Measurement and Comparative Analysis in a One-way ANOVA Design.

-Description: The objective of this study is to examine and compare the use by university teachers of different information and communication technologies (ICT) resources, in their teaching, evaluation, and research, depending on the branch of knowledge to which staff belong (science and engineering-architecture, health sciences, art-humanities, and sociallegal Sciences)

-Variables/ Scale of measurement:

DV: ICT resources to teach, to evaluate and to research / ordinal

IV: staff area of knowledge / nominal

-Why the type of analysis they used was appropriate.

Researchers used an independent one-way ANOVA to compare if the differences were statistically significant between the four knowledge branches and the mean scores in the use of ICT resources.


CLASSMATE #2: Inman, Hayley (150 word min + ONE academic source)

Independent one-way ANOVA:

Research Question: Are the mean measurements of one’s muscle growth(Measured in inches) affected by the type of exercise one does each day (running, lifting weights, swimming)?

This research question is appropriate for an independent one-way ANOVA because it is analyzing how the type of exercises that are done each day contributed to the amount of potential muscle growth one received to observe if one’s exercise routine may have a significant effect on their muscle growth.

Independent one-way ANOVA IV: The type of exercise done

Independent one-way ANOVA DV: The measurements of muscle growth (measured in inches)

The scale of measurement being used is the Ratio scale.

Null hypothesis: The type of exercise one does (running, lifting weights, swimming) has no affect on the mean measurements of one’s muscle growth.

Alternative hypothesis: The type of exercise one does (running, lifting weights, swimming) will affect the mean measurements of one’s muscle growth.

Repeated Measures one-way ANOVA:

Research Question: How will drugs A, B, and/or C alter the response times (measured in seconds) of patients 1-5?