Service Blog

You will be required to post two service blogs outlining and analyzing service encounters. After each service encounter is described, the experience will be analyzed in relation to the course and textbook chapter concepts.

Each of us experiences service encounters including at restaurants, banks, airlines, phone and cable providers, on busses, at colleges, libraries, medical and dental offices, and more. These service encounters can be in person, online, by telephone, email, etc.

One of your service blogs should describe a service encounter that you found very satisfying, and the other service blog should describe a service encounter that was very dissatisfying.

For each of your two blogs choose different types of incidents (e.g., do not write about the same type of service business for both of your blog posts.) Also, do not address the same type of service issue in both blog entries.

Note the following requirements for each blog:

  • Analyze your entries in relation to the chapters covered in the course.
  • Identify two to three common threads that relate to the course textbook.
  • Write a 1000 – 1200-word blog post describing your service encounter.

Relate your encounter to textbook chapter concepts.

Include chapter page number references for the analysis.

Include commentary from at least two external research sources including at least one academic journal source (preferably peer reviewed.)