Study of child Development

Child development is extremely important for teachers to know because it enables them to determine strategies for teaching and learning. By understanding child development, a teacher can make the most appropriate decisions regarding expectations for learning and identify children who may have problems with learning.

Assume you are an educational consultant hired by a philanthropist who wants to start a one-of-a-kind educational program that supports infants through early childhood with development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social areas.

Design an educational program with few budgetary constraints. You may select a community school, after-school program, summer school program, day care, sport or academic camp, club, or another educational program approved by your instructor. Make sure to specify a program.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes to submit to the philanthropist about your one-of-a-kind educational program for the following age ranges:

Infants and Toddlers – The First 2 Years
Early Childhood – Ages 2 to 6

Note: You do not need to create audio for this presentation. The detailed speaker notes will be your script for the presentation.

Include the following for each age range’s education program:

The learning theories that support your plan for this age level – On one slide

Create a chart or table that provides detailed information for at least 5 well-known child development theorists and includes the following:
Name of theorist
Brief description of the theory, including the general time frame during which the research was conducted
Explanation of beliefs and ideas regarding the following developmental domains:


-Emotional & Social

4.For each child development theorist summarize notable beliefs or findings regarding biological, environmental or cultural influences.


A description of 3 learning activities you intend to use for each of the developmental areas – total of 18 activities (9 for each age range–includes 3 for Social/ Emotional Development, 3 for Cognitive Development, 3 for Physical Development)

How you will include diverse populations

3 media influences that target this age level and how each might support development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social areas – one slide with 3 influences per age range

A description or diagram of how the environment would be organized so that children may develop in each area – one diagram or description per age range