Journal Prompt

For the Journal Prompt, pick one of the prompts in the bottom section of this  assignment. Use this time to reflect on the weekly studies and connect to them in a deeper way.

Because of these beginnings, do you feel that printmaking is an art form that can be associated more with particular social and political environments than others? Is the commercial aspect of printmaking an important cultural consideration? How do the commercial and social implications of printmaking relate to contemporary American culture?
Experiencing Visual Communication Design (2.7)

Visual communication design is so ubiquitous that it is almost impossible to step away and evaluate it objectively.

  • What kinds of visual form have you experienced so far today?
  • Of these forms, how many used text combined with image?
  • What was the intent of the designer of the Facebook profile page?
  • Google’s website? The graphic designer of Gateways to Art?
  • Discuss the various components that have been used in these designs, such as the typeface or logo.
  • Why has the artist chosen that particular style?

Grading Criteria
This assignment section is worth 25% of the final grade. This assignment becomes the text you post for the Discussion Response thread. Answer fully using 200-500 words (include word count).