RES 403: Module 4–Discussion

Module 04 Discussion Forum: Oxygen Therapy For this discussion forum, discuss the role oxygen therapy plays in treating patients and its historical impact on the evolution of Respiratory Care. Consider the topics below and incorporate them in your discussion post:
1) Find the AARC Oxygen Therapy Protocol or Clinical Practice Guidelines (AARC CPG Oxygen)

2) Briefly outline this protocol

3) What are the indications for oxygen therapy?

4) What are the types of oxygen systems?

5) Identify an example or examples when using an oxygen protocol would be effective in the care of a patient and will improve outcomes.

6) Discuss at least one risk of oxygen therapy (such as ROP, oxygen toxicity, “knocking out the hypoxic drive”)

7) How has oxygen therapy and changed over the years?

Use at least 1-peer reviewed article and 1 additional reference to support your discussion. Post your response to the discussion forum scenario and then respond to the posts of at least 2 classmates. Please use your response post as an opportunity to share a new perspective or recent advancements. The discussion forums should be an 0sage of information and ideas to move the n and learning to a higher level. The initial the response posts should add value to the tion and should also allow us an — Private