Interview Assignment


Interview someone in the health profession. ‑‑ Doctor, nurse, health educator, counselor, nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, someone who works at a gym or health foods store, etc. to discover if, how, and when they use humor in their position. Summarize what you discovered in a two‑three page paper. This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a reflection on what you learned through the interview.


Your interview can be face to face, over the phone, by video conference (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
After you have collected the responses, you will write a 2-3 page paper reflecting on the experience.
Use a 12 point font, and standard 1” margins all around, double-spaced.
Use a standard font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.
Papers should be well-written with introduction, body, and conclusion, with proper grammar and spelling.
You should come up with your own questions, but here are some you can use, and they might help you come up with your own:

Sample Interview Questions:

  • Can you describe the type and severity of stressors in your job/position?
  • Do you use positive and constructive forms of humor in dealing with your stressors? If so, can you describe some examples or situations in which you have done this?
  • How easy is it to laugh at yourself with others? Examples?
  • Do you use humor to ease tension when dealing and interacting with others at work? Examples?
  • What are the humorous situations that have occurred in your life that with the passage of time and putting into a different perspective, have taught you something?
  • How do you encourage others around you to use humor?
  • Tell me about a time when something really funny happened at work. What benefit did it serve?
  • Was there ever a time when your attempt at humor didn’t work out the way you expected? If so, what did you learn from the situation?