Research Methods Assignment

Using your own data or secondary dataset (of sufficient variables and n sample) or data provided by the instructor (not applicable here), this assignment requires you to choose an appropriate data analysis/ Statistical technique / qualitative technique to analyze the data.

Topic to use is “Using sociotransformative constructivism to create a multicultural approach to entrepreneurship education in Nigeria”.

In brief, this assignment requires you to:

-Conduct data analysis using relevant statistical techniques or choose an appropriate qualitative technique for data analysis.

-Ensure measures are reliable and valid (quantitative), or dependable and credible (qualitative) and develop theoretical framework to guide and validate your research questions.

-Explain the choice of analytical techniques and procedures in terms of reliability and validity/dependability and credibility.

-Address your research questions and/or develop theoretical propositions.

-Interpret, present (report) and discuss the results.

-Discuss theoretical implications and provide managerial recommendations (i.e, revisit the research problem).