Discussion board 3

This is a discussion board not a paper just a response to the questions are fine.

-All posts must fall between 125-175 words, not counting bibliographic material.
-All posts must utilize at least one, in-text quotation with appropriate citation that demonstrates mastery of relevant vocabulary and concepts. A citation is a way to identify where you are getting specific information that you did not already know before working through the module materials.
-When citing Church documents such as Dei Verbum and Verbum Domini, give citations with an abbreviation and always a section number. For example, use the forms “(DV 12)” or “(VD 2)”. When scriptural texts are cited, use the standard abbreviations given in a text like the Catholic Study Bible and include chapter and verse(s). For example, use the form “(Mt 5:12)”, which indicates you are citing Matthew chapter 5, verse 12.
-Give bibliographic information for the works you give in the in-text citations at the end of your post.
-Each student will be put in a pool to respond to one of the three questions for the initial post. Each student must then respond to two classmates who each answered the other two questions than the student’s own question for the initial response.
-All students must be sure to read and watch all posts, in all threads, in the board.
-Discussion board questions will be asking you to make various connections between the readings. Do not repeat ideas within your 3 posts. All students must utilize the texts and the questions to write on a variety of topics.

Question 1

Initial posts: Select an element from this module’s Reading Guide assignment which you found important to one major topic or narrative in this module’s selections from Genesis. Describe the context of the topic or story from Genesis and explain how the Reading Guide material helped clarify the topic.

When reading, keep an eye on the following topics:

Family genealogy beginning with Abraham and Sarah
Literary elements of the stories which carry important meaning
The various elements of tension found within the family relationships among the Jews