Effective Leader

This assignment involves writing a reflection paper on the topic of “Effective Leader: What Does It Take and How do I become One?” To complete the assignment, you will select a business leader who you admire and believe to be highly effective. Next, you will write a paper that summarizes what it means to be an effective leader based on the example of the business leader that you selected. Finally, reflect on your own leadership style and identify 2 – 3 actionable strategies on how you can become more effective as a leader. The paper should be approximately 5 pages long, double space, 12 point font). Specifically, the write up should include:

An introduction that explains your rational to select this person as a leader
A brief biography summarizing this leader’s achievements
Discussion of leadership model appropriate to that person (i.e. servant leadership, transformational leadership, etc.). Briefly outline key characteristics of the model and asses how the leader measures up to each of these characteristics and behaviors.

Reflection on your own leadership style
Specific areas that you are planning to work on to become more effective as a leader. Please include specific actions that you are planning to take in the next 2-3 years.