How to read a scientific article

Answer sheet for Assignment 1: How to read a scientific article

Article citation:

1. Where was this research paper published (journal name)?

2. Summarize this paper’s key finding, as described in the abstract (one sentence).

3. Describe one research question from this paper (1 sentence).

4. Describe one hypothesis from this paper (1 sentence).

5. Describe one prediction from this paper (1 sentence).

6. List three words or phrases that were unfamiliar to you when you first read the paper. For each, look up a definition and provide the definitions below (1 sentence each).

7. (a) How many tables are in the paper? _____
(b) How many figures are in the paper? _____
(c) Were the tables/figures helpful to understand the main results? Why or why not?

8. Describe one limitation that you perceived when you read the paper (two sentences). Was this limitation addressed in the Discussion?

9. In your own words, explain the major contribution of the article to the field of ecology (up to 3 sentences)

10. How many other published papers did this research paper cite?