Quality of Life

What does the quality of life mean to you? What would you consider a good quality vs. a poor quality of life? Do you measure the quality of life the same way that the scientists talk about it in the textbook and/or provided articles? Explain why or why not. Must use APA 7.

Possible references:
*Read sections 3.1-3.4 in the textbook:
Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., & Winslade, W. J. (2022). Clinical ethics: A practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine (9th ed., 115-155). McGraw-Hill Education.

*Carr, A. J., Gibson, B., & Robinson, P. G. (2001). Measuring quality of life: Is quality of life determined by expectations or experience?. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 322(7296), 1240–1243. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.322.7296.1240

Is the quality of life determined by expectations or experience?

*Iati, M. (2020, January 2). Judge rules that doctors can take baby off life support. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/01/03/after-hospital-mother-disagree-court-had-rule-who-decides-when-child-dies/

Judge rules that doctors can take baby off life support