Lesson Plan – Laptop Expectations and Rules

Lesson Plan

Candidate’s Name:                                    Course Number/Section:

Date: 9/15/22                                                 Subject: Student Teaching and Professional Seminar

Grade Level: Grade 8                                                                  Duration: 60 minutes

Lesson Topic: Introduction to Laptop expectations and Rules for the School Year 2022-2023


  1. Essential Question(s): What are the laptop expectations and rules? Why is it important to follow the laptop rules? What happened if the laptop is broken?


  1. Instructional Objectives:
  • Be able to describe the laptop expectations and rules.
  • Be able to participate in a whole group activity.
  • Be able to establish expectations for their laptops.


  1. Related Academic Standards:

CC.2.1.6.E.4 – Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.


  1. Key Vocabulary:

Rules –

Laptop –

Expectation –

  1. Materials/Resources Needed:
  • Big Poster
  • Color Markers
  • Color sticky notes
  • Thinking Maps Website – Circle Map


  1. Instructional Procedures:


The teacher will ask the whole group to know what the laptop expectations and rules are. The lesson will start by introducing the concept of laptop rules by definition and different examples.

Procedures / Developmental Activities:

After an introduction, the teacher will post the circle map – laptop rules on the smartboard. He will ask students to be open-minded about what they think about the laptop expectations and rules. Students independently get sticky notes and brainstorm any words related to laptop rules or what they learned and remembered in the last year. The brainstorming takes three to five minutes. Then they can write down the notes about laptop rules. When they finish, they stick their notes to the poster. Review the poster and call each student to share what they wrote down the note. The student is willing to share ideas with the whole group. The teacher demonstrates the expectations and rules of the Chromebook with smartboard, projectors, and seat/board practice with guidance as needed. He uses PowerPoint Presentation to explain the laptop rules and expectations in 10 minutes.

After this, students participate in hands-on/application activity. The teacher makes the use of video and technology resources to develop skits with his homeroom students. Also, false and true cards are given to students. During a whole group introductory activity, he has students use response cards (false or true) to show their understanding of laptop use.

Students can direct practice/activity with peer assistance/collaboration, para educator guidance, and more examples.



Next, the teacher will restate the lesson’s objectives for the students to explore the different real-life applications on the laptop rules for fun and enjoyment. Finally, the students will ask questions and raise other concerns based on the lessons to ensure they recap on the taught lessons.


  1. Addressing Learners’ Diverse Needs:

Accommodations and Adaptations:

Deaf students will ensure that inclusive learning strategies will increase their success during the learning process. Also, the teacher should ensure a few deaf students who are slow learners will need to be included and engaged to ensure visual thinking maps. Thinking Maps can benefit some students by visualizing information with pictures relating to laptop rules and practicing vocabulary skills.


  1. Formative/Summative Assessment

Observe deaf and hard of hearing students’ work with immediate feedback (American Sign Language ASL) throughout the lesson and note student work. In addition, observe struggling students for active engagement during the class lesson. Peer student assessment through questions, sharing responses with us, and discussion while the teacher notes. During the assessment/check for understanding portion of the lesson, all students participate with true/false cards. They shared their ideas on why their answers are correct. There are multiple avenues for students to determine mastery and what skills need to be re-addressed and taught the following day.


  1. Reflection on Planning/Instruction; Data Analysis