Side Panel Expand side panel Module Four Activity

In this activity, you will analyze your primary sources for narratives and consider if any bias is represented.


Use the provided Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources Word Document to complete this activity. First, you will locate an additional primary source related to your historical event.

Next, you will answer questions about your event and the primary source you identified in a previous module. You will then consider whether there is evidence of bias in these sources.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

Conduct source analysis on two primary sources relevant to your historical event.

You will respond to specific questions about each source in the activity template.

Analyze the primary sources relevant to your historical event for the presence of bias.

What clues are present in your two sources that may indicate bias? Provide evidence of these clues from your sources. If you do not think there is bias, provide evidence to support your claim.

Compare how your historical event is represented in your primary sources.

Do the two sources tell the same story, or are contrasting perspectives represented? Provide evidence from your sources.

HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources

Locate an additional primary source relevant to your historical event. Use it and the primary source you identified in a previous module to answer the questions below. Replace the bracketed text with your responses.

Source One

Conduct source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event.

Attempt to write the APA style citation for your first primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format.

Respond to the following questions:

  • Who authored or created the primary source?
  • What was the author’s position in society at the time the primary source was created?
  • When was the primary source created?
  • Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized?
  • Who was the intended audience for the primary source?
  • Why was the primary source created?
  • Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source?

Source Two

Conduct a source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event.

Attempt to write the APA style citation for your second primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format.

Respond to the following questions:

  • Who authored or created the primary source?
  • What was the author’s or creator’s position in society at the time the primary source was created?
  • When was the primary source created?
  • Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized?
  • Who was the intended audience for the primary source?
  • Why was the primary source created?
  • Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source?

Both Sources

  • Analyze the primary sources relevant to your historical event for the presence of bias.
  • Compare how your historical event is represented in your primary sources.