Place of worship for any religion

For this assignment you are to research a place of worship for any religion in any of the styles that we discuss in this class OR for any religion that was in existence or begun before the year 1400.

You must turn in a 800 word (minimum) paper with MLA formatting and all sources properly cited. The word count does not include your list of sources or works cited.

The building must have been built by 1400 or at least be begun by 1400.

Your first paragraph should explain why you chose this particular structure.

Your second paragraph should describe the exterior in detail, especially any decoration.

Your third paragraph should describe the floor plan—the general shape of it, aisles, altar, etc.

Your fourth paragraph should describe the interior in detail, especially any decoration.

Your fifth paragraph should be the conclusion. In this paragraph explain anything that you would change in the building to make it more appropriate or innovative (but remember, no electricity!) for the time period.

You should use a minimum of four sources with at least three being internet sources or databases. Use some of the databases available on the :