Week 2: Cultural Relativism Options Menu: Forum

Part One:

This week, you are reading James Rachels’ article on Cultural Relativism. According to Rachels, what are some of the benefits and drawbacks of Culturally Relativistic approaches to ethical decision making? Consider this video on “cultural competency” in a healthcare setting? Do you think that Cutural Relativistic ethical thinking could be beneficial for patient care? If so, how? If not, why not? Tell us in 100 words or more.

Part Two:

Consider the Markkula case study, “Confronting a Fetal Abnormality,” do you think Dr. Fox should have told Mrs. Ansari the truth about her fetus against Mr. Ansari’s wishes? Or do you think Dr. Fox’s behavior was culturally insensitive? Why or why not?

Part Three:

Describe Mack Lipkin’s argument concerning the “impossibility” of telling patients the truth. In your opinion, “do simplified ‘truths’ still count as truths?” Why or why not? What would you have wanted if you were Mrs. Ansari? Would Dr. Fox have failed Mrs. Ansari by not communicating all that he knew about her case? Lastly, if you were Dr. Fox, what would you have done in this case?

Part Four:

Make sure to respond to a classmates’ post in at least 100 words or more. You can respond with questions, comments, critical observations, or points of disagreement as long as they are offered in a respectful tone!