An advertising campaign

Come up with an advertising campaign to promote a specific Tesla Model (S, X,or 3). You must come up with a strategy, and tactics to alert the public to this new and exciting product. You must also include a 4 – 5 page narrative for the decision-makers at Tesla that ensures them that you are emphasizing the Strengths of the model you choose, and addresses the Weaknesses (hint: price!) that pitches your ideas. You must also come up with a print ad (using (any photo editor) that will be distributed either in a national or local magazine, or a 30-second Youtube commercial video.

Mini-Marketing Plan
Your summary should include some information on the PRODUCT – customers will need to understand that WHAT they get is providing them great value and utility. What specific aspects of your chosen model will you ensure appeal to and informs your specific target audience.
Make sure you completely understand the product, and include information on the product’s strengths and the opportunities that you can relay to the customer. Also, try to turn any weaknesses the product has into strengths, and make sure your summary assures the team at Tesla that your pitch will turn any threats into opportunities.
Include some information on PRICE –Tesla is experiencing difficulties offering a model in the “sweet spot” for the mass market of under $35,000– how will you convince consumers that this price is not a detriment, and that the product offers UTILITY. You must convince the team that your message can alleviate the concerns about the price of the product.

PROMOTION – what other forms of Promotion will you use to complement your print ad? Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotions, Trade Fairs – this is how you communicate your “image” to the customer, and convince them that your product (or service) should be purchased – what other types of tactics will you use to complement your print ad? In addition to your promotional tactics, you should specify exactly what what magazines your print ad will appear in, and why. Make sure you comment on how the target audience you choose will see your promotions.

PLACE – how will customers get to “touch and feel” the Tesla experience? Will you be bringing out Tesla’s to events for the customers to see? Can you be innovative enough to put a Tesla in front of people to pique their interest? Where will the public be able to see it? Billboards? Events? Trade shows?

TARGET MARKET – Target marketing provides a focus to all of your marketing activities. You must specify to the team at Tesla EXACTLY AND SPECIFIALLY who the Target Market is for your advertising campaign. You must base your campaign on measurable statistics, such as age or income – include some market demographics (statistics) on the demographics and define the psychographic makeup of your target audience. Why you choose this target market should be evident in your pitch. It will be important to note the consumer behaviors and how your campaign appeals to this audience.

SUMMARY – Include a summary paragraph on why your campaign will be successful. It is always good for any pitch or presentation to remind the reader why your ideas will work and why you should be chosen to promote Tesla to the world.

As an incentive – These top 5 class members that address all of the above, and come up with the most creative plan and strategies will get an automatic A for the final exam.