Memory Reliability

Part one

To identify operant conditioning and observational learning in your own life.Instructions:

This discussion is lengthy, please take your time as there are a lot of key terms that can get confusing.

  1. Explain the main difference between reinforcement and punishment (hint: think about the main goal of punishment vs. the main goal of reinforcement).
  2. Provide an example of Operant conditioning from your life and identify whether you experienced reinforcement or punishment.
  3. Provide an example of observational learning from your own life
  4. Provide an example of when observational learning is used in the real world and why this method is effective for your example.
  5. Comment on another student’s response to #2. What did you find interesting about their conditioning experience? Do you think they used the key terms (reinforcement vs. punishment) correctly?
  6. 500-700 words

Part two


To define differences in memory types and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of eyewitness testimony and how it relates to memory processes.


Answer the following questions:

  1. In your own words, explain short-term memory. Provide an example from your own life.
  2. In your own words, explain long-term memory. Provide an example from your own life,
  3. Explain the difference between recall. recognition, and rehearsal. Provide an example from your own life (you may NOT use examples discussed in the video such as different types of tests).
  4. Discuss one strategy for improving memory you plan to integrate in your own life.
  5. How does the lost-in-the-mall technique relate to eyewitness testimony? Use at least two vocabulary words from the textbook in your answer.
  6. Based on what you learned in the chapter and the videos, should we allow eyewitness testimony in trials? Discuss AT LEAST two reasons why or why not?.
  7. 500-700 words