Discussion post

For your initial post, present some basic information about the topic of your choice that is DIRECTLY related to diet and nutrition.(The topic is gmo’s) Tell the class why this topic interests you and why they might find it interesting too. Come up with a minimum of three “talking points” to get people thinking about (and hopefully responding to) your topic. A “talking point” is typically posed as a probing question. Make it easy for people to respond to your post by highlighting three (or more) distinct questions to prompt discussion.

Second Discussion: Distinguish between “human security” and “national security” Is human security more morally justifiable than national security? Response should be 2-3 paragraphs

Keep these questions in mind when responding to your classmates: Answer the following questions

Should foreign governments such as the United States intervene in the affairs of another country to protect human rights of the citizens of that country against their brutal leader?

Third Discussion: What is a Multinational Corporation (MNC) or Transnational Corporation (TNC)? Discuss the role of these organizations in the global economy. Are MNCs good or bad? Response should be 2-3 paragraphs

Keep these questions in mind when responding to your classmates: answer the following question

Do you think globalization contributes to improving living standards around the world? Give some examples.

Fourth Discussion: Discuss the economic, political, and social implications of migration for both sending and receiving countries. Response should be 2-3 paragraphs

Keep these questions in mind when responding to your classmates: Answer the following question

Do you think globalization increases or reduces global and domestic inequality?