Slideshow Presentation with Verbal Presentation: Leadership Succession

For this assignment, you will research and analyze the succession of leadership in an organization of your choice. By studying the organization’s leaders – past and present – you will be able to evaluate the impact these leaders have had over the years. This will allow you to develop your own insights on the importance of leadership and leadership styles in the context of real-world situations.

After the research information is gathered, students should:

Organize how to present each of the leaders analyzed for the assignment. (worth 5 points)

Determine each leader’s core characteristics and identify each one’s leadership style. (worth 10 points)

How did each leader make decisions? Give specific examples. (worth 10 points)

How did he or she communicate? Provide specific scenarios and explain. (worth 10 points)

Did you note any changes in any of the leaders during his or her tenure with the organization? Explain how each leadership style matured and evolved. (worth 5 points)

How did each leader impact the organization? Provide specific examples of each leaders’ impact. (worth 20 points).

Using the information found in your textbook and in course materials, identify the theory or model that best describes the way the leaders motivate their teams. These may be different for each (worth 20 points).

Your analysis of all three leaders will become the basis for the final deliverable, which will be a slideshow presentation supported by verbal recording over the slides about the organization’s leaders. The length of the recording should be 5-7 minutes.