Pick two competing conceptions (Foucault vs. Butler) of ‘resistance’ we’ve looked at so far and try to evaluate them. Foucault and Butler have each provided us with conceptions of resistance. Explain the two conceptions of resistance as fully as possible. Also explain why you take them to be at odds. If there are respects in which they might be compatible, flag these along the way. How might we adjudicate between them?

APA citing and please cite frequently and properly

At the end of the introduction paragraph, please add the thesis “In this paper, I will argue …” and make it clear. Also please avoid “fluff” that people usually start off with in philosophy papers

Structure of the paper should be:
-Intro + thesis
-Foucault theory on resistance
-Butler’s theory on resistance
-Comparing both their theories in how they are at odds and how they are compatible

**I’ve also attached in the materials section, both the readings from Foucault and Butler, as well as the lecture notes from the class