Immediate post-war Tokyo

As introduced in the lecture, Akira Kurosawa’s Drunken Angel (1948) and Seijun Suzuki’s The Gate of Flesh (1964) are ostensibly set in the same time and location—immediate post-war Tokyo.(150-300words) Respond to the following:

  • Discuss several cinematic techniques that were deployed in Drunken Angel and The Gate of Flesh, respectively.
  • Is The Gate of Flesh a progressive or regressive film? With its highly stylized aesthetics, can The Gate of Flesh be a more emotionally “honest” depiction of postwar Tokyo? Or, Drunken Angel is a more “honest” depiction?

When responding to your classmates, consider the following:

  • Find a post that you disagree with regarding their position on Drunken Angel and The Gate of Flesh. Respond respectfully as to why you think otherwise.(100words)