Batman vs superman compare and contrast

Following MLA, create a comparison and contrast essay that details one similarity and two differences between the two iconic super heroes: Superman and Batman. You may also choose a different topic that is more appealing to you. In addition, you may use the chart that I included to draft ideas and examples before you construct your essay.  This chart is meant to help you outline your ideas, not substitute the essay by any means.  Your essay must be a well-typed, well-thought, elaborate essay with one example for one similarity and each one of the three differences.  Your essay must also utilize advanced words that are up to the college level of a Composition I course.

General guidelines:

  1. Avoid using the second person’s voice (you, your, and yourself).  Use the third person’s voice at all times during the construction process of this essay.
  2. Avoid contractions as in “shouldn’t” and “couldn’t.”  Type both words as in “should not,” “could not,” “he is” . . .
  3. Do not underline, italicize, or place your own essay title in quotation marks.