Good day to you. kindly see the complete assignment and tell me who long it will take to finish and how much it will cost. this will be one of other 7 similar assignment to be followed if we agreed to the cost.

The assignment:


(Please read the instructions carefully)

1. Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form.

2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to the LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script).

3. All assignments must be submitted with an accompanying Turnitin report.

4. Assignment that is not submitted to the LMS by the prescribed deadline will be accepted ONLY under the REDO and RESIT submission policy of Westford.

5. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of 75% and/or a minimum of 50% under extenuating circumstances approved and ratified by the Academic Director. The student must repeat the module (with additional fees applicable) if the attendance is below 50%.

6. The assignment should not contain any contents including references cited from websites like,, ,

7. Students can refer Wikipedia as a source of information, but the references cited in Wikipedia has to be mentioned.

8. Submit the assignment in a MS Word document with the file name being:

First Name Last Name_ abbreviation of the subject.

Example: John Smith.

Quick reference Checklist for the Faculty/Instructor to accept/reject the assignment before evaluation:

Adherence to the deadline of submission date.

Original cover sheet and format retained.

Student information and signature intact.

Font style and size used as instructed.

Harvard Referencing Style is strictly followed.

Assignment Task 1: [30 marks]-Word Limit 2000 words

Discuss HRM practices in your organization and how it supports the overall organizational performance goals. Critically review and evaluate any HR process in your organization and how it can be improved to meet specific business challenges and overcome them.

How do HRM practices influence organizational behaviour? Identify any two HRM practices and their influence on performance and behavioural outcomes in your current organization. Critically analyze the outcomes of the specific practices and evaluate its effects.

Assignment Task 2: [20 marks] word limit 1500 words

Discuss any 2 leadership styles and critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these styles in your industry. Identify the most conducive leadership style to promote performance in your company with discussion and critical reflection on why you think it is so.

Assignment Task 3: [20 Marks] word limit 1500 words

Global Staffing Policies:

In 2012, Etisalat, a telecommunications company based in UAE outsourced the customer service operations to Egypt. Explain the benefits of this HR initiative with respect to the major functions of Human Resource Management.

Assignment Task 4: [30 Marks]

Prepare a power point presentation (limit to10-12 slides total) on any one function of HRM and present it in the class with relevant examples. The presentation will be of the duration of 15 minutes (10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A). You will be evaluated on the content, delivery and interaction.