Silk Road Research Log

The Silk Road is one of the most traveled and intricate trading systems throughout the history of Eurasia. Not only was there trading of goods, but also ideas and diseases. The merchants that traveled this system of roads (and ocean routes) experienced many different cultures and civilizations along their way. As merchants made their way along the Silk Road, they documented their travels to share with those around them.

Direr r ins You are now a Silk Road historian, documenting your research in order to publish your findings on one of the lasting cities of the Silk Road. Throughout your research, you will have many tasks to complete along the way. You will document these tasks in your research log. After you have selected your “city of account” from the list Mrs. Parra has provided, you will be given a collection of documents you will need to complete this log. This may include maps, primary sources, secondary sources, images, as well as other resources you will be able to use. You are writing this process log to document your findings for the people who will read your research. It should be heavily detailed and explain both your findings and the process in which you got your information. Attached you will find the rubric depicting what you will be asked to provide in your final product. This will include the goods traded, other historians you come in contact with throughout your research, the influences of religion, as well as how caravans operated during this time.


  1. Five (5) journal entries documenting your research

a Must be at least 200 words each

  1. Must document your findings!
  2. City of account a You MUST pick from the list on Google Classroom (no “doubles”)
  3. Goods being produced a. What is being traded from your city
  4. Caravan life a Explain how caravans work (as well as caravanserais)
  5. Stories of travel, dangers people would’ve faced
  6. Cities that are connected to your own
  7. Must document at least two (2) cities
  8. Must consult a least one (1) of your classmates
  9. Religion a What religion is practiced in this city?
  10. What religions would be encountered?
  11. imagery

a Must include a map of your connections (hand drawn but outline is provided)

  1. Five (5) hand drawn images to go along with your entries