Sunflowers ‘Helianthus annuus’


WRITE A WELL-RESEARCHED PAPER Write at least three full pages on your topic covering an introduction, the points that you want to hit home with your audience, and a final conclusion or take away.

Your goal is to educate, inspire, and entertain your audience about your topic. Why should they care? Be sure you include the following details:

  • Give us the background on your plant with the name correctly spelled in each case, and include a argument sentence that tells us what your paper is about.
  • Why does your plant matter or how is it used? Give us at least three reasons what role your plant serves in society.
  • How does your plant grow? Does it need any special water, light, soil, or temperature?
  • Describe the biology. Is it a tree, a perennial, a biennial, an annual, shrub, a vine, etc.?
  • Where does your plant grow? Can it grow in Texas?
  • Are there any cultivating techniques that are unique to your plant?
  • What are three unique genetic traits about your plant?
  • What are three challenges your plant has to grow?
  • Wrap it up with an engaging conclusion.

Use appropriate terminology in your paper. Since you are learning about all kinds of methods of cultivating plants in class, why not use the correct terms?

Feel free to be creative about the way you present your information. © your text should start at the very top of the page. Then, provide your literature cited after the three pages.