British Literature

As one of the most influential poets of the Romantic Period, Wordsworth’s work deals with many of the themes of Romantic literature, including the importance of the natural world as a source of spiritual and social renewal, the primacy of emotion as a means of understanding the world, and the role of art and poetry in enriching our lives. But underlying this hopeful message is a concern with social ills.

As you read Wordsworth’s poetry, look for messages of both hope and despair, and post a thread here with your comments on his work.

Like Wordsworth, Tennyson served as the Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom, and in many respects Tennyson is the face of Victorian literature. As you read his poetry, note how themes of both individual and social loss–from death to the passing of a mythic past to the longing for an idealized sense of national identity–pervade his work.

Post a comment here on specific passages and images you see in his work that you find significant.

Split the word count between Wordsworth and Tennyson