3rd Short Paper Assignment  

Space and time are ontologically peculiar entities.  On the one hand, they seem to be at the forefront of our experience.  On the other hand, they seem to be merely relations between objects.  Thus, the ontological status of space and time is a controversial issue that philosophers have been grappling with for centuries.

Empiricists claim that all of our knowledge begins with experience.  They emphasize the limited role of reason in our everyday lives.  Thus, feelings and instincts take over and philosophical doubts seem prevalent.

If you were an empiricist, then how would you go about explaining space and time? I would like you to adopt this position of empiricism and provide an account of space and time itself.  refrain from using any outside material here.  I would like original thoughts about this issue.  Although this topic has been discussed in many of the (hard) sciences, I would like you to provide a philosophical position.

 Tips and Basic Points:

-Do not write in the third person, use “I” for all philosophy papers.

-Keep your points clear.  Short sentences are better than long convoluted ones.

-Do not retell the story; I am not interested in a synopsis.

-Refrain from using quotes, unless it’s important.

-Explain yourself using your words, don’t copy and paste or plagiarize another’s work.

-Only use “feel” for the sensation of touch, do say you feel a certain way unless it is sensations.

-“I believe, I think, and I feel” are all superfluous.  I know you believe it because you are claiming it.

-Don’t use questions in the paper, just make a claim and defend it.

-Proofread your paper before submission and apply formal grammar and punctuation.

Papers are to be typed, 1 page in length, double-spaced with 1” margins, and 12-point font.  I would like a blind review of the papers, so put your name on the last page.  After the concluding paragraph, please put your first and last name. No headers, title pages, and/or titles on the submission of your short paper.