RES 403: Module 6–Discussion

Module 06 Discussion Forum: When Hyperinflation and Air Trapping Becomes an Issue

Hyperinflation therapy, also called Lung Expansion therapy is a very common therapy performed on patients who are suffering from some sort of respiratory distress due to low volumes or to reverse atelectasis. The therapy involves applying volumes greater than normal to re-inflate the collapsed alveoli in the lungs. There are many different techniques used to administer lung expansion therapy. The respiratory therapist typically decides which method is best for each patient. The term hyperinflation is also used when the increased volumes due to trapped air has compromised the patients’ ability to manage an adequate minute ventilation.

Hyperinflation of the lungs occurs when damage to the lung tissue results in lungs that become less elastic and more complaint. When the lungs lose their elasticity, the expulsion of air becomes difficult and it gets trapped inside the lungs. Air trapping and hyperinflation can also occur when patients begin to inhale before they’ve fully exhaled. Consequently, air gets trapped within the lungs with each successive breath causing them to over-inflate.

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have some degree of hyperinflation of the lungs which can produce significant, detrimental effects on breathing. In COPD, the lungs can be hyperinflated at rest (static hyperinflation) and/or during exercise (dynamic hyperinflation) when breathing requirements are increased and exhalation time is shortened.

Find 2 research articles that suggest ways to reduce air trapping, auto-peep, or dynamic hyperinflation in patients. You can select the type of patient or clinical condition you want to address. This can include patient’s on invasive ventilation. Prepare a discussion post sharing the 2 studies and the findings of each study.