Concept analysis of coersion as patient care

Identify the concept of coersion, describe the characteristics of the concept of coersion, collect data from the literature review.

Describe antecedent and consequences of issues about cersion in healthcare as part of treatment.

Demonstrate a model case.

The student will choose and analyze a concept of importance to nursing by synthesizing literature related to the chosen concept.

Assignment: Submit a scholarly 10-12 page Paper and separate 10-12 page PowerPoint that clearly and accurately addresses the following:

Select a concept important to your nursing practice.

Determine the aims or purpose of analysis. What will be achieved by analyzing the concept you selected? Why is it important to understand this concept? What aspects of the concept will be discussed in this paper?

Identify all uses of the concept that you can discover. Thoroughly search the literature for how this concept is defined and how it is used in the literature. A total of four different sources are required and one reference must be from a different discipline other than nursing (sociology, psychology, theology).

Determine the defining attributes of this concept.

Identify model, borderline, related, and contrary and compare how they differ from the concept you chose (you may need to create scenarios that are not actual).

Identify antecedents and consequences of the concept.

Give an example of any empirical referents used to measure this concept. Identify any tools or surveys they can be used to measure your chosen concept.

Describe how the concept will be useful in your nursing practice.

The PowerPoint is to be submitted in a separate document and should be approximately 10-12 slides in length also.