EDUC812-Write-Up: One-Sample t-Test Assignment

Write-Up: One-Sample t-test Template

Username: Name

Instructions: For this graded assignment, you will complete the write-up below after completing the corresponding tutorial to this assignment. You will delete figures and tables where appropriate and then insert correct figures and tables. Also delete and then insert correct answers where there is RED text.

To begin, cut and paste the data set below into SPSS (or you can type in the data manually).  Do not copy the header row when you paste into SPSS. Before carrying out the analysis in SPSS, you need to set up your data file correctly using the “Variable View” tab.

Scenario: The purpose of this study was to see if there was a difference between the intelligence of Oak City Elementary School chess club members and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States.

Code Name IQ
1 Jay 110
2 Kylie 102
3 Maddie 110
4 Katie 101
5 Lil 110
6 Jake 102
7 Mary 112
8 Joy 105
9 Addison 104
10 Ayden 114
11 Amelia 107
12 Amanda 114
13 Ethan 109
14 Dylan 113
15 Max 110



The purpose of this study was to see if there was a significance difference between the intelligence of Oak City Elementary School chess club members and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States. The independent variable was chess club members, and the dependent variable was intelligence as measured by Wechsler IQ Test.  A One-Sample t-test was used to test the hypothesis.  The Findings section includes the research question, null hypothesis, data screening, descriptive statistics, and results.

Research Question

            RQ: Is there a significant difference between Oak City Elementary School chess club members and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States?

Null Hypothesis

H0: There is no significant difference between Oak City Elementary School chess club members and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States.

Data Screening

            Data screening was conducted on the dependent variable IQ of Oak City Elementary School chess club members.  The researcher sorted the data on each variable and scanned for inconsistencies.  No data errors or inconsistencies were identified.  A box and whiskers plot was used to detect outliers on the dependent variable.  No outliers were identified.  See Figure 1 for box and whisker plots.

Figure 1

Box and Whisker Plot

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics were obtained on the dependent variable. The sample consisted of 00 participants.  Descriptive statistics can be found in Table 1.

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics


 Assumption Testing

Assumption of Normality

The One-Sample t-test requires that the assumption of normality be met. Normality was examined using Shapiro-Wilks Test. The assumption of normality was met/not met. See Table 2 for Tests of Normality.

Table 2

Tests of Normality


A One Samples t-test was conducted to see if there was a difference between Oak City Elementary School chess club members and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States.  The researcher rejected/failed to reject the null hypothesis at the 95% confidence level where t(00) = 00.00, p = .000. Eta square equaled (h2 = .000).  The effect size was extremely large/ very large/ large/ medium/ small.  Eta square was calculated using the formula h2 = t2/(t2 + df).  There was/was not a statistical difference between Oak City Elementary School chess club members (M = 00.00, SD = 00.00) and the average intelligence of students (100 IQ) in the United States. See Table 3 for One Sample t-test results.

Table 3

One Sample t-test