Curriculum Design – AY2023-T1

Reading Assignment
Andrews, D. (2013, March 6). iPads in the classroom: embedding technology in the primary curriculum. The Guardian.
This entry comes from David Andrews and is a narrative account of how he used hand-held devices in his
classroom and what he witnessed during and after the lessons were complete.

2. Delaney, M. (2011, November 1). Training teachers to integrate technology. EdTech.
This article talks about the myths and strategies involved in integrating technology into the classroom.

3. Ellis, B. (2017, January 30). Which comes first: the curriculum or the technology?
In this article, the author sees the benefits of technology in the classroom but makes the point that it should
enhance the curriculum and not be forced upon students. It is an introspective piece discussing the role and importance of including technology in the learning experience.

4. Henson, A. (2012, May 1). Why technology is essential in curriculum and content alignment.

This article discusses technology
serving as adhesive to tie together curriculum and content alignment as well as serving as an educational tool for both teachers and students.

5. Kaplan, D.E. (2017). Creative technology in the curriculum in online teacher training. Creative Education 8 (8).
This article describes the role teachers play in terms of technology integration in classrooms. How are teachers
being trained to accomplish this and do online programs help support their training?

6. Montessori, M. (2013). A critical consideration of the new pedagogy in its relation to modern science. In: D. J.
Flinders & S. J. Thornton (eds.),
Curriculum Studies Reader (4th ed.), pp. 19–31.
RoutledgeFalmer. of-the-new-pedagogy-in-its-relation-to-modern-science.pdf
Maria Montessori believed in activating the learning experience and I believe her work to be a fitting inclusion in
this unit because she challenged the typical teacher-directed classroom and gave students experiential activities and facilitated learning. Her work here describes a shift in consciousness in terms of educators (both researchers and teachers) and their involvement in curriculum design.

7. Prensky, M. (2008). The role of technology in teaching and the classroom. Educational
Prensky’s work here feels like an extension of Montessori’s notion of learner-centered classrooms. Prensky
feels that technology’s role is to support students learning on their own.

8. Smith, R., Killen, C., & Knight, S., (2013, September 9). Using technology to improve curriculum design.

The authors offer up ideas regarding technology as a means of improving the research and design of curriculum programs. The explore 8 stages of technology in curriculum design from the engagement of stakeholders to reflect on the process to improve the design.

9. Starr, L. (2016, May 10). Integrating technology in the classroom: It takes more than just having computers.
Education World.
This is an excellent resource for teachers new to the idea of integrating technology in the classroom. There are
excellent samples here plus websites as well to incorporate into your methods of instruction.

10. Zuga, K.F., (2008). Social reconstruction curriculum and technology education. Journal of Technology

Education, 3 (2). pp.48-58.
This article discusses the Social Reconstruction ideology in terms of schools and society as connected rather
than disconnected as per traditional schooling. The learning experience was about skills and facts and little to no attention was given to actual real-world contexts. The author here considers how technology education may bridge the gap between classroom and community.