
  1. How can Blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies?
  2. What are the stages of Blockchain maturity and explain which stages have the most potential for human resource management application?
  3. How and why is Blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management?

Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Conclusion, References

Writing Requirements for All Assignments:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions
  • Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.
  • Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

Readings that are required to be cited:

From the Text

  1. Chapter 2 Blockchain for Business

From the Harvard Course Pack Link:

  1. Anelis, J. & da Silva, E. R. (2019). Blockchain adoption: A value driver perspective. Business Horizons, 62, 307-314.