Homework 2

Students are to pick a company in an industry that they like or know or would like to get to know, and provide a thoughtful analysis on that company using the relevant ratios learned in class to
help tell that company’s story.

The write-up will be no more than two/double-spaced pages that discuss both the qualitative and quantitative reasons why you like or dislike the company that you’ve chosen. Students should utilize any financial documents they deem appropriate for the analysis (10-K, 10-Q, etc,.) and any data utilized should be for the year ended 2021.
Students are not allowed to select the following companies for their Homework 2 write-up:
Coca-Cola, Peloton, or Bank of Princeton.

The paper should be 1.5 – 2 pages in length, but no more than 2 pages in length. Papers should be formatted in size 12 font, Times New Roman, and should be double spaced. Citations are not

  • The outline of your write-up should be as follows:
  • Name/Class/ID number
  • Company Name & Industry
  • Description of Company (2-3 sentences only)
  • Summary (do this post-completion of Company Positives and Negatives)
  • Company and/or Industry Positives
  • Company and/or Industry Negatives

If students do not follow instructions on both the two page length and the format, each issue will cause one point to be deducted from this assignment out of a total of 5 possible points. Submit all papers in either PDF or Word