Skills Analysis Paper

Interpersonal Communication Skills Analysis  

The final project will require you to write a 2-3 page paper reviewing what you have learned about your own interpersonal skills and how those skills have changed during the term. Write a synopsis or review of what you have learned about your own interpersonal communication skills and knowledge drawing upon the specific skills and concepts discussed throughout the term.  Include in your review:

  • How do you communicate with others?
  • What major factors in your life have shaped your present style of interacting with others?
  • What have you have learned about your strongest interpersonal communication skills?
  • How have your interpersonal communication skills changed or improved over the course of the semester?
  • In addition to this general overview of your interpersonal communication skills and how they have developed this semester, you should specifically address AT LEAST one particular aspect of the course that was particularly useful in helping you improve and develop your communication skills.
      • You may talk about:
        • Perception in interpersonal communication
        • The self in interpersonal communication
        • Listening in interpersonal communication
        • Culture in interpersonal communication
        • Relationships and interpersonal communication
        • Conflict in interpersonal communication
        • Power in interpersonal communication
        • Using verbal messages effectively in interpersonal communication
        • Using nonverbal messages effectively in interpersonal communication
        • Emotional messages
  • What are your weakest interpersonal communication skills? Present a brief plan on what you might do to improve those communication skills. Be sure to draw from the recommendations provided in the text.
  • Do not provide me with a summary of what we have studied this semester. I was here. Show me how you have applied the concepts we have studied to your life and how this class has impacted your interpersonal communication skills.
  • Throughout the paper, give specific examples from your personal experience and from the text to support your conclusions.

The paper should be double spaced using 12-point font. Write your paper in APA style and use APA style for all citations, including your textbook. Please proofread your paper, run spell-check if you are using a computer and ask a friend to check it over for spelling and grammatical errors.