RES 403: Module 7–Discussion

Module 07 Discussion Forum: Obstacles of Communication

You have reviewed several sources of information over the past weeks in order to fully participate in the discussion forums. This week, you had an article titled: Respiratory’s Role in the Patient Experience by Lisa Houle, from the AARC website

This article speaks to the patient experience, which can also include any family members who are with the patient. Choose a scenario or case report that you have considered or experienced. Research that scenario and the impact RTs may have in that type of situation or scenario. Describe a situation or a potential situation where dealing with a patient and or a patient’s family was difficult. Identify one element of communication that would be a positive and one significant obstacle in conveying either the implementation of a protocol, the progression of the protocol, or the importance of a therapy provided by a RTDP. How did/would you overcome that obstacle? How can communication itself be an obstacle? How to you communicate with children differently than you do with adults? Does the patient level of education play a factor? How do you work with your fellow health care professionals in the process to help overcome this obstacle in this particular scenario?