7-1 Final Project Submission

You are the Human Resource Director for a premier supplier of rubber floor mats and matting that is expanding its production operations to Rock ville, MD. The organization is headquartered in San Antonio, TX. Based on the organization’s mission statement, the company’s goal is to provide top-quality products with customer service that well exceeds expectations and with a strong commitment to continuous improvement. The following personnel are required to start the Rock ville operation (the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of positions):
• Director of regional operations
• Assistant to the director of operations
• Operations analyst (2)
• HR director (this is you)
• HR administrative assistant
• Benefits manager
• Lead production worker (3)
• Production worker (10)
• Production manager
• HR generalist
• Front desk receptionist

In your final project you will be designing a pay structure based on the final project case study you have been reviewing throughout the course and utilizing with your milestone activities.
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.

I. Internal Consistency:
A. Create complete job descriptions for the benefits manager and production worker position using O*NET (see Module Three Reading and Resources area). Note: There may be several versions of these positions on O*NET. You should create personalized job descriptions that are tailored to the company.
B. Calculate the job evaluation points for the administrative assistant, operations analyst, production worker, and benefits manager jobs. Provide a rationale for assigning specific weights and degrees to the various jobs. Use the job descriptions you created in section one, as well as the job descriptions in Appendix A of the final project case study, as a reference.
C. Create job families for all the roles at the Rock ville location. The families may be illustrated in a table or bullet format. List positions within each family based on the difficulty level. Provide a rationale for why jobs were assigned to the various families.

II. External Competitiveness:
A. Calculate the weighted means of base pay for each of the benchmark jobs (administrative assistant, operations analyst, production worker, and benefits manager) from the six companies listed in Appendix B of the final project case study.
B. Calculate the predicted base pay for each of the following benchmark jobs: administrative assistant, operations analyst, production worker, and benefits manager.
C. Create a market pay line using the following benchmark jobs: administrative assistant, operations analyst, production worker, and benefits manager. Clearly label your job evaluation points and salaries.
D. Calculate the adjusted pay rates for each benchmark job based on your company’s decision to lead in base pay by 3%.
E. Create pay grades by combining benchmark jobs that are substantially comparable for pay purposes. Clearly label your pay grades and explain why you combined any benchmark jobs to form a grade.
F. Create pay ranges including minimum and maximum for each of the pay grades based on pay grades created in item E above.