Assignment 7 Chapter 8 (Perfect Competition) 

Output in Thousands of Selfie Sticks

  1. Identify the Profit Maximizing Quantity for a price of $13 (Output in thousands). What is the profit or loss at this Price?
  2. What is the Break-Even Price and Quantity for Selfie Sticks for the graph above?
  3. What is the Minimum Price the firm above would except (what is the shutdown point) for selfie sticks?


Assignment 8 Chapter 9 (Monopoly)

Output in Thousands of Tennis Shoes

What is the profit maximizing quantity and price for the monopolist above?

How much profit is the firm earning at the profit maximizing point?

Assignment 9 Chapter 9 (Monopoly – Price discrimination and maximizing profit)

Given the average total cost of supplying a movie is $4.00 and the information below in the table, determine what price the movie theater would charge under 2 conditions:


(Hint: Calculate the profit by using this formula: Profit = (Price –ATC)*Q

  1. Select 1 price to charge all three groups (. Keep in mind if you select a price above a groups Maximum willingness to pay, they do not attend the movie; for example if you choose $7, the only group that will attend are the 1250 Adults)

$5                                      $6                                            $7


  1. Charging 3 different prices (Charge each group their willingness to Pay).


Type of Customer Number in each market Max Willing to Pay
Students 2000 $6.00
Adults 1250 $7.00
Seniors 750 $5.00


Assignment 10 Chapter 10 (Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition)

Given the Payoff Matrix below, determine:

  1. What is the solution to the game? (What price High, Medium, or Low will each charge?)
  2. Does either business firm have a dominant strategy?


Moos   Quarks
  High Medium Low
High 70,70 40,35 80,10
Medium 35,40 35,35 40,20
Low 10,80 20,40 25,25