Step1 (5pts):

Choose one country that would potentially be involved in business transactions with the United States.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

Australia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela

Step 2 (25 pts):

Research the following areas of business etiquette for this country:

Introduction of Country to include: time zone differences, monetary exchange rate, typical family income, dominant language(s), major products, educational system, industry and business trends (increases and decreases).
Normal hours of business operations and any other typical or non-typical work day practices like scheduling meetings, etc.
Current job market statistics.
Educational backgrounds of professionals.
At least one other custom or business practice observed and important to know.

Step 3, Unit 7 Professionalism (25 pts):

Business dress for men and women.
Important points about holding a conversation with them.
Addressing persons properly. (titles, etc)
Successful business dining and etiquette in public and in home of business counterparts.
Non-verbal communication and behavior that is acceptable and unacceptable.

Step 4, Unit 8 (30 pts):

Wrap up the conversation about the country you researched by answering the following questions. Post your discussion in the main discussion board.

How do cultural differences affect the work place?
If you are working in a business in Northeastern Wisconsin how could you be affected by global diversity?
Specifically, as an IT professional working in the area of your AAS Degree, consider how your job would affect the company’s success in the global business arena. (i.e. Networking students…what kinds of things would the IT infrastructure need to have in place to be able to conduct business with a location outside of the US? )