Central research questions

Answer the following questions as best as possible given your understanding of the assigned reading(s).

  1. What are the central research questions of the study?
  2. How did the researchers vary the level of fairness in the experimental design?
  3. Were the subjects matched with a “real” partner? What is the problem with this? (Hint: Where was this article published?)
  4. How were subjects’ decisions connected to their earnings? Was this an issue for saliency? Explain why or why not.
  5. What were the main results from Experiment 1? What did we learn about human behavior and preferences towards fairness?
  6. What did Experiment 2 (with the fMRI) reveal about the physical connection between brain and human behavior? What did we learn about accepting unfair outcomes?
  7. What was the most interesting part of this study (to you) and what would you consider to be the central finding/take-away of the article?