Case Study

Margaret (age 38), identifies as a Mexican American homemaker, is seeking services from a local service agency. Margaret tells the caseworker that she feels overwhelmed with her usual responsibilities with the additional pressures of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, she feels depressed, doesn’t sleep well or eat much, and is irritable much of the time. She has eliminated most of her social interactions and the only outside activity she feels comfortable doing is attending Sunday Mass with her family. Recently, Margaret’s father (77) a retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant, had a fall, and is no longer able to live alone. Margaret helped him move into a local assisted living, but is struggling to ensure his emotional needs are met. She was able to sign him up for food stamps to assist with the cost of food. Margaret lives with her family in Yuma, AZ (for history of Yuma to an external site. for census information to an external site.).

Her partner Jenna (age 42) also identifies as Mexican American, is an architect who works long hours and often unwinds after work by enjoying a few drinks. Margaret communicates that Jenna’s drinking upsets her because her father was an alcoholic and she is concerned about the few times Jenna has picked up the kids after she had a few drinks. Jenna is passionate about her architecture work and was awarded the Yuma Architect of the year in 2019. Due to COVID-19 Jenna moved her architecture practice to her home and now all four family members are under the same roof for the bulk of the time together. In talking with the case worker, Jenna reports the line between family and work has been blurred due to COVID-19, her drinking has increased after work to destress. She reports her work load has increased since working from home and she has no energy left to engage with her children or partner at the end of the day. She says that when she tries to cut back drinking during special events or during Lent, she finds that she is irritable and craves alcohol. She believes that if she wanted to, she could probably cut back but feels alcohol helps her relax. Jenna reports she is concerned about Lisa’s inability to focus and her struggling grades.

They live with their 2 children Lisa (age 15) who is capable of caring for herself and helping around the house, but prefers to hang out with her friends and be involved in sports and other extracurricular activities; and their youngest son, David (age 9), who has Down’s Syndrome and needs assistance in self-care and day-to-day activities.

Lisa (15) is very socially active in extracurricular and athletic events. In school she fidgets and has a hard time sitting still. She also struggles with time management and tends to be disorganized. She chronically misplaces everyday objects like her backpack, mask and cell phone. She will often be late to volleyball practice and her friends comment on how forgetful she is. Although she wants her school work to be perfect, she is prone to making careless mistakes. The struggle for perfection makes starting a new assignment feel very stressful, leading her to procrastinate starting in the first place. As a consequence, she recently failed a big test, which has led to her acute fear of failing 10th grade, and not being eligible to play volleyball. She recently made the varsity volleyball team as a 10th grader.

David (9) is thriving in his current school environment. He has great support in his special education classroom and is mainstreamed for several classes. Margaret and Jenna keep a consistent schedule for him throughout his entire day that sets him up for success.


The case worker receives a call yesterday from Margaret that Jenna was pulled over for driving under the influence two blocks from their house. Jenna was on her way home with the kids. Jenna was arrested and Margaret was called to pick up the kids. As of today, Jenna is currently in jail and Margaret came home to a card on the door from child protective services. Jenna is facing an aggravated DUI because of her blood alcohol level and because both children were in the car.

Introduction to Social Work: An Advocacy Based Profession

You need to address the following questions in your response:

  1. Based on the content in Modules 8 – 10, identify one area you think needs immediate support for this family? How might a social worker advocate for or offer a service to meet that need? What intersecting identities or cultural considerations should be considered when working with the client/family? (4 points)
  2. How might a school social worker support the school age clients in this family? For this answer, name the client you are focusing on, their strengths, and areas they might need support, as well as how you would support as a school social worker. (3 points)
  3. What person(s) is living with physical, cognitive, and/or developmental challenges in the case study and what is the challenge? What are ways to support and/or provide services for the individual(s) to ensure they have a supportive environment? In what ways might a social worker advocate for them at a macro level (4 points)
  4. What kinds of attitudes does the public display toward people who are in the same human developmental stage as Margaret’s father? How would you navigate supporting Margaret in addressing the attitudes and expectations people have of those in his developmental age? What biopsychosocial-spiritual challenges do you think Margaret’s father could be facing? (3 points)
  5. What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material? (1 point)