ABC Corporation is a small but global organization of roughly 200 to 250 employees with work-at-home office spaces around the world using Wide Area Network connectivity via VPNs. The company deals with a lot of financial information to be shared between the offices that require encrypted traffic as well as data-at-rest encryption.

You have been hired to evaluate e ABC Corp.’s network and ensure that the company has the highest levels of security to prevent internal or external attacks. In an 8-to-10-page proposal, address the following items to provide a comprehensive secure environment:

  1. A plan to provide secure access control methods for all user access
  2. A viable password policy, which includes complexity, duration, and history requirements
  3. A method to ensure vital data is encrypted, including recommendations on algorithms
  4. A VPN recommendation for accessing the network remotely in a secure and efficient manner

Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length and conform