1.Who is Tielman Susato and what is Danserye? Describe contents, form of the pieces, two ‘ways’ musicians could perform the pieces.

2.What was the role of women in secular and sacred music during the Baroque Era? Give 2 women composers as examples, what music they are known for and how they had their music presented to others.

3.What is a madrigal? What is word painting? Mention two examples (give text and music) from Fair Phyllis.How did the madrigal tradition develop and change from the early 1500s to the early 1600.

4.Council of Trent; give the years of the meetings. What were the social concerns and religious reasons for the meetings? What were the musical and performance concerns and how did the Council of Trent influence the performance and style of sacred music?

5.What is a historically informed performance? Name 2 Baroque style instruments that might be used in a performance. How would they be different from modern instruments in appearance, construction how they are played. (Do NOT use: organ, recorder, harpsichord, lute)

6.Josquin Des Prez: give brief biographical information: lifetime, jobs, employers, famous for..,.., end of career

  • What is the focus of the text the motet Ave Maria virgo serena?
  • Describe some special features of this motet: text organization, musical structure, different ways in which imitation is used. What is the personal touch in the motet Ave Maria, virgo serena?

7.Give a brief plot summary for the opera Dido and Aeneas: identify the main characters ( include their ‘title’, job) and main events of the story leading to the finale.

  • What is a ground bass? How is it used in Didos’ Lament? How does this reflect the character singing and the situation?

8.How did Baroque composers bring drama and contrast into their music?

9.What is a toccata and for what instruments would it be written? What does it showcase about the instruments and the players?

10.Define: what is an oratorio? What religious or inspirational story do you think might lend itself to a MODERN oratorio and why?

Define the following terms: 10 points

  1. Equal temperament
  2. basso continuo
  3. ritornello form
  4. recitative
  5. cantus firmus
  6. chorale
  7. concerto
  8. movement
  9. program music
  10. aria