Case study for finding the appropriate agency


Zahra is a 28-year old married woman with a ten-month old infant son.  She has been married to her husband, Majid, for six years and describes having a loving and supportive relationship. Zahra is currently on maternity leave and Majid is employed full-time in Finance.  The couple is originally from Iran and has been in Canada for three years; they are Permanent Residents.  They have no family members in Ontario, but Zahra’s sister lives in Chicago and Majid’s family lives in Montreal.  This is the couple’s first baby.

Zahra has been coming to your Community Health Centre since her son’s birth for newborn medical care and has been attending a mother-baby group for the past three months.  She has missed the past four group sessions and today you observe that Zahra has a flat affect and is not actively engaging with her baby or the other group members, which is different than how she has presented in the past.

In talking with her, Zahra discloses experiencing the following symptoms for the past four weeks: increased difficulty concentrating and sleeping, low energy, feelings of being a bad mother, low appetite, and while she has been caring for the baby, she is lacking feelings of attachment. Zahra is ashamed of this and has not told anyone how she is feeling.  Zahra has a history of depression, which she experienced for approximately two years when she first arrived in Canada.   She was on medication for about one year but has been off this for the past four years.  She also met with a settlement counsellor at the time and found this helpful.

Identified concern: Post-partum depression

What mental health agencies would you recommend for Zahra?


This is a group assignment, with some individual components.

Mental health services in Ontario are most often provided through government funded organizations, which offer a range of programs geared towards particular client populations and/or needs.  These may be related to domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health diagnoses or criminal involvement and may be provided through individual, couple, family or group counselling/support.  Some organizations focus specifically on one issue, while others offer multiple programs for a range of issues.  As mental health practitioners, it is important for us to have a good understanding of the resources available in our community to refer clients to appropriate services as needed.

This assignment requires groups to research four (4) different organizations related to a specific client concern and presenting information to the larger class, thus increasing familiarity with numerous types of mental health services/programs


  1. Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital offers a community mental health program-prenatal mental health programs:

after baby program:  eight week program for parents suffering mood changes after the birth of a baby. Meet other new parents experiencing mood changes. Discuss relationships and difficult emotions, learn coping strategies and how to take care of yourself . Facilitated by a Mental Health professional. Child monitoring available for walking children (toddlers), parents may bring babies in arms.
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital


After baby program-

Program that facilitates support for parents after the birth of a child.


Services available:

• connect with others experiencing similar patterns of mood changes

• open discussion for relationships, newly acquired emotions, and personal care

• opportunity to build coping skill


Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital

Site: Barrie – EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Service: After Baby Group


Parents suffering from mood changes after the birth of their baby.

Early on program

A program for parents suffering from mood changes after the birth of a baby. Meet other new parents experiencing mood changes. Discuss relationships and difficult emotions, learn coping strategies and how to take care of yourself. Facilitated by a Mental Health professional

  • Make personal connections and access a network of resources
  • Find supports
  • Get advice
  • Attend drop-in programs, storytelling, sing-alongs, games and many more activities

If Zahra’s condition deteriorate, the program at their mental health department provide crisis intervention services for acute psychological distress-very efficient, quick response for assessment, short term follow up Will referal to mental health community service for long term care

This service provides out-patient consultation and follow-up to those individuals experiencing an acute or persistent psychiatric illness. Our Psychiatrists and Counselors provide assessment, treatment and ongoing supportive counselling.

Out-Patient Counseling Service Provides:

  • Short-term solution-focused and problem-solving intervention to clients requiring individual assistance in the resolution of difficulties stemming from their mental illness
  • Referral to community services

Community Mental Health Service

The Community Mental Health Program provides services for individuals who need longer term treatment and support that extends beyond an acute illness.

Community Mental Health Clinic

  • All new referrals are vetted through an intake system where eligibility and appropriateness for service is determined. Referral to other resources in the community may be a part of the intake process.
  • Treatment plans for eligible persons may include health education, counselling, and support for people who have a serious mental illness.