Read the following true story from a colleague of mine. Names have been changed to protect everyone, as some are still bitter. We’ll call my colleague…Bob.

Way back in Bob’s undergraduate days, he was dating a young woman who was becoming an increasingly important part of his life. Things were definitely moving to something beyond being ‘boyfriend and girlfriend” – things were getting ‘serious’. They were no longer talking about what to do this weekend, but what they might do next year… or after they graduate. You get the picture. So one day, Bob decided to prepare a romantic dinner for the two of them. As a poor undergraduate student struggling to get by, his idea of a home-cooked meal didn’t go much further than what can be accomplished with about eight dollars, two pots, and one microwave oven So for this particular and rather momentous moment, Bob chose to cook up spaghetti and salad.

The table was set. The candles were burning. Adult contemporary alternative music played on the stereo. The salad had been finished. It was time for the main course. Bob piled spaghetti noodles on his girlfriend’s plate and began to ladle Ragú sauce over her noodles hot out of the pot. As the sauce poured out of the ladle, a large, cooked cockroach accompanied the sauce onto my girlfriend’s plate.

Without going into details, there was simply NO WAY that cockroach came from Bob’s kitchen. He knew it came from the sauce. Anyway, you can imagine how they both felt after that incident.

Put yourself into Bob’s shoes and write a one-page, single-spaced letter to Customer Service of Ragú about the incident as if you experienced this issue. Include as much detail as you can about the facts of the incident, your feelings about it, and any actions you expect Ragú to take as well.

Once done writing, PROOFREAD your letter. Make sure you used BLOCK letter formatting (no indents)Letter Criteria
The letter must come from you as if this happened to you NOT Bob.
You must use the correct address for the Ragú headquarters in the U.S.
The letter must be addressed to someone in the Customer Service department.
Use block letter format and proper letter writing format are required.
Your letter must be ONLY 1 page long, single-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font.